When Can You Extract Honey?

When Can You Extract Honey?

Beekeeping is a rewarding practice but there are several things you need to know in order to become a successful beekeeper. One of these skills is knowing when to extract honey. Nowadays more and more people are painting the picture of beekeeping as a very simple and...
10 Mistakes New Beekeepers Make

10 Mistakes New Beekeepers Make

Becoming a beekeeper is a great way to give back to mother nature, offer a healthy supply of honey to your customers, and work with the coolest insects on the planet. Along with the perks of beekeeping comes some pitfalls you want to avoid. There are 10 common...
Should You Raise Honeybees?

Should You Raise Honeybees?

Have you been interested in raising honeybees of your own? Having your own beehive has its benefits, but before you start raising bees in your backyard you need to ask yourself… should you raise honeybees? At the same time, you also want to make sure your equipped...
7 Best Home-Made Feeders for Bees

7 Best Home-Made Feeders for Bees

Colonies of bees are self-sufficient when in nature. On top of that, bees have been surviving and thriving for centuries with no need from people. It’s a fact, once bees construct their hive and build their colony they can maintain and manage themselves efficiently....